Monday, May 4, 2015

Eyebrows and eyelashes disappearing 6 weeks post chemo

Today marks 6 weeks post chemo.  I am feeling great.  My fingernails still look terrible but none of them have torn off.  I have been very diligent to keep them cut as short as I can stand it.  My eyelashes however are almost gone.  Last week they started to thin quite a bit.  My one eye only has a few lashes left but the good news is, is new ones are starting to grow in their place.  Even if the rest of them fall out it won't be long until I have a full set of lashes again.  I have also noticed my eyebrows are doing the same thing but I don't see any new growth as of now.  I am not worried about it, I am so over the way I look.

My hair however is really starting to turn brown and get longer.  It is still not very thick quite yet but each day I wake up there is new growth.  Sometimes I think I can even feel it growing, it is a really weird feeling.

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