Friday, May 15, 2015

My surprise from Jeff

My husband has been so supportive as we have gone through this cancer journey together.  He has come to all of my doctor's appointments and chemo treatments.

Back when I first met with my surgeon in October to get the biopsy results I had both Jeff and my mom come with me.  It was at the Ogden Clinic on Harrison Blvd.  We were admiring all the pretty outdoor pictures that they have hung throughout the clinic.  There was one in particular that I just loved.  It was a sunrise coming up over the mountains after what looked like a rainy night.  I have two interpretations of this picture.  The first one being that no matter how hard today might be, tomorrow the sun will come up and you will be given a new day.  The other interpretation I have of this photo is a glimpse into Heaven.  There are sun rays shining through and it is as if you are peeking into Heaven.  This picture gives me so much peace and I could stare at it for hours.  Anyway we admired this picture each and every time we had an appointment with my surgeon at Ogden Clinic.  One time Jeff ended up taking a picture of this photo and little did I know he was on a journey of his own to track down the photographer and get this print for me.

The print had the photographers name written on it and Jeff tried many times to search the internet to find him, each time without any luck.  In April he was selling an item on KSL and the couple that came to our house to buy it started talking with Jeff about where they work and the gal said that she just got through hanging pictures at a clinic up in Logan.  Jeff asked her about this photographer Kevin Mikkelsen and sure enough she knew of him and was able to give Jeff the information he needed to contact Kevin.  I was not home this night so I had no clue of this conversation.

Jeff was able to contact Kevin and told him about my journey and how much we admire his portraits that are in the Ogden Clinic and told him about this one particular print.  Kevin knew exactly which one it was and was able to get it printed for Jeff.  Jeff wanted to present it to me on Friday, May 15th which is the last day of my radiation treatments and the conclusion of my cancer treatments.  However, Kevin wanted to deliver this portrait in person and watch me open it.  He was not going to be in town on Friday so Jeff had him come on the Sunday before my last week of radiation.  It also happened to be Mother's Day and also Kevin's anniversary but he came anyway.  I was making dinner for my mom and little did I know Jeff had her come over early so she could be a part of what was about to happen.  At 4:30PM there was a knock at the door and Jeff answered it and had all of us sit down in the family room.  Kevin had the print but it was wrapped up in paper.  He handed it to Jeff and he stood up and told me all about his journey in finding Kevin to get this print for me.  I was crying because this is the most thoughtful thing anybody has ever done for me.  He went through so much searching to find Kevin.  I opened it and immediately recognized this as being the print at Ogden Clinic that we had been admiring for monthsI was a little embarrassed because I had been cleaning the trailer all day and cooking dinner and I was still in my pajamas.  Jeff couldn't say anything to me about getting ready because then it would have spoiled the surprise.

Me, my mom and Kaci with Kevin

I had Jeff take this picture right before we hung it up the next day (I have a little makeup on)
 Before Kevin left he signed the photo for me.  I guess the ones at Ogden Clinic automatically print with his name on them but Jeff wanted him to bring a pen and sign it for us in person.  Kevin is like a celebrity to us.  We absolutely love his portraits in the Ogden Clinic.

We decided to hang this up in our bathroom above our tub.  I want to be able to see it each morning and if it was in our bedroom I wouldn't get to see it.  I wake up in the dark and then leave in the dark because Jeff doesn't wake up until after I leave in the morning.  I love waking up to this picture.  It has so much sentimental value for me.  It truly is a reminder of the journey that I have been on. 

My husband is the best and I am truly blessed that he chose me to spend his life with.  He has been there every step of the way and our love is so much stronger now than it has ever been.  We are hoping and praying for many more years together.


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