Wednesday, May 6, 2015

4th week radiation update

I only have 1 week and 2 days left of radiation.  I can't believe how fast it is going.  This past weekend I broke out in a rash just below my neck and also on my back.  Today they told me it is from radiation and that it can go through you and affect your back as well.  It is super itchy and very sore and red.  It is going to be something I will have to deal with until I am done.  I was doing so good too but of course I get all the side effects so I am not really surprised.  I will keep putting the Radiation Rescue cream on and also Hydrocortizone cream for the itching.  I saw doctor Fisher today and he is a little concerned with the burning under my armpit.  He said to put the cream on 4-5 times a day.  He said the skin is still intact so that is good but it is an area of concern because of how red it is.  He said it will probably peel.  For me it is only a little bit sore but the skin is super tight and it hurts when I lay down at night if I lay on it wrong. 

Life is good and I am looking forward to summer.  Kaci just finished the last of her dance competitions this past weekend and in two weeks we have her recital.  It is such a relief to me that we were able to get through it all.  I was so stressed out about all the extra practices and competitions when I was feeling so bad but we made it.  I am super proud of her, she has done so well this year.  School will be out in 3 weeks and we plan on doing a lot of camping this summer.  I am glad that I have more energy now and want to do everything I can this summer to have fun because you never know what the future holds. 

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