Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Radiation is not kind to me

I finished radiation 11 days ago and my armpit and back wounds have continued to get worse.  I went to Dr. Fisher last Friday because they continue to ooze and they are sticking to my clothes.  The other night my shirt stuck to my back wound and when I pulled it away it started to bleed because it pulled off some skin.  It is so gross and it looks like big green boogers that get all over my clothes.  I asked Dr. Fisher if I could cover them up with something so that it doesn't get all over my clothes.  He told me I could use non adherent pads and paper tape.  I went to Walgreen's right after the appointment and stocked up.  I keep them on during the day and sometimes at night so that my clothes can stay dry.  He did say that is best to let them air out so sometimes at night I will go without them but I don't like the sticky wet feeling and then the goo is all over my arm and back and I have to literally pick some of it off because when it drys it is very crusty.  I can't believe my body is producing something to yucky.  It is very hard for me to put the Silvadene cream on them because they are so sore.  I am still taking about 10 Ibuprofen a day for the pain.  Dr. Fisher said this moist desquamation happens in about 1 out of every 20 people and I just happen to be the lucky one!  This is also the most painful type of radiation burn a person can have, again lucky me!  I have gotten every rare side effect there is from both chemo and radiation.  I don't know why I thought this would be easy.

My armpit burn

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