Monday, April 27, 2015

5 weeks post chemo and HAIR!!! Plus a radiation update.

Today marks 5 weeks since my last chemo treatment.  Just last week I started to feel more and more like myself.  The fatigue that I have been battling for months has subsided quite a bit.  I am able to get out of bed either before my alarm or right when it goes off.  My fingernails have not turned white any more than they already were and are starting to grow out.  I have to keep them clipped really short until all the white grows out because I don't want to snag them.  They still look terrible but that is the last of my worries.  Now on to my hair.

My hair has some small stubble up until my last treatment but last week it has really taken off.  I have fuzz all over my head but of course most of it is still white.  Last week some brown started showing through and I have quite a few hairs that are 1/4" long.  I will take it!  I am just excited to have a little bit of hair.  Of course I wish it would grow faster.  I am still using the Nioxin kit and hopefully it will help it grow super fast once everything wakes up.  This whole journey has been crazy but watching my hair start to come back has been so much fun.  I am hoping that all of my hair will eventually come in brown like it was before. I have taken some pictures but it is really hard to see right now with most of it being white.  I still look like I am completely bald but I assure you I am not.  My favorite thing all along has been to rub my head, now it is even funner as I can feel all the hair.  I am trying not to look to close so that when I do look I will be excited to see the new growth but Jeff and Kaci are so cute and every day they rub my head and get so excited and tell me all about it.  I love that my family is just as excited for me as I am.  I love them so much.

Today also marks the beginning of the 3rd week of radiation.  Towards the end of the 2nd week I started getting a little red but it was not painful at all.  Today the gal who helps get me into the machine looked at my skin like she does every Monday since I am on the trial for the Radiation Rescue cream and noticed that my skin was really dry around my scar and was a little bit flaky.  She said to make sure I get a lot of cream in that area and really let it soak in.  I also need to start putting the cream on three times a day to hopefully get rid of the dryness. 

Before when I was on chemo I had to take a lot of pills now that I am onto radiation I have to make sure to put the cream on and sit with nothing on so that it can soak into my skin and then for my hair I put the Nioxin on 3 times a day. I would take this over taking pills any day so I need to stop complaining now.  This will all be over here shortly. 

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