Friday, May 15, 2015

All done with radiation

Today I finished my 5 weeks of radiation and Jeff came with me to celebrate.  I was so ready to be done because I am burned so bad.  Yesterday they prescribed me Silvadene cream to put on the burns and recommended Ibuprofen for the pain.  It is helping quite a bit.  Also yesterday Dr. Fisher said that he hasn't seen an exit burn with the Tomotherapy machine but I have a rather large one on my back.  He also said that most people do not burn as bad as I have.  I am not surprised though, it seems that I get the rare side effects of everything. 

I was also told that my skin will get worse over the next week or so before it gets better.  I am not looking forward to that but I will do my best to try and manage my pain.

I am going to miss all of my friends at Gamma West at Ogden Regional.  I have spent the last 5 weeks with them and have gotten to know them all.  When I left today they gave me a bag with a blanket for myself and one for Kaci.  I love how people are so thoughtful and think about my daughter. 

Now that my cancer treatments are done I plan on living life to the fullest and making a ton of memories.  I hope and pray that this is the last time I have to deal with cancer but it isn't up to me, it is up to God.  In the meantime I just need to make sure all my days count.  I really do have a greater perspective about life and a stronger sense of compassion, empathy and love for others.  I am blessed to have been given this trial.

Jeff and I went out to breakfast to celebrate the end of my cancer treatments.  Then I went to work for four hours.  Tonight and tomorrow I get to celebrate with Kaci.  She is dancing at all 4 dance recitals this weekend.  I am so proud of her and this will be the end of the dance season.  We made it!

Me and my awesome nurse and friend Bonnie (Sorry it is a blurry picture)

Me and Brooke.  She is the one that makes sure I am lined up correctly and puts me into the Tomotherapy machine for treatment.

I got to ring another bell today to signal the end of treatment. 

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