Friday, December 12, 2014

December 3rd, 2014 2-1/2 weeks post surgery update

A lot has happened the last 2-1/2 weeks.  I had surgery on Monday, November 17th.  Jeff, Kaci, Mom, Bonnie, Wayne and Debby all came with me.  We had to be at Ogden Regional at 9:30AM.  After registration we didn't have to wait long to be taken back to the pre-op room.  After they got me settled with an IV I asked for something to relax me.  The kind old nurse Clyde let Kaci push the button to inject it into my IV.  I immediately relaxed and even took a little nap.  I could only have 2 people or 3 with Kaci in the pre-op room with me so we switched off people from time to time.  I don't remember what time it was but a couple of hours later Dr. Megan came in and injected a radioactive die into my right breast.  It hurt so bad but luckily I was still a little loopy from the relaxation medication.  That had to sit for 2 hours prior to surgery.  The injection was to light up the sentinel lymph nodes that were going to be removed for biopsy.  I think they came and got me around 2:30ish for surgery, I don't even remember since I was so out of it.  That was a good thing though because I was so nervous.  I remember somewhat waking up in the hospital room and everybody was there but I couldn't make out what anybody was saying I was so groggy.  I do remember Kaci on one side of me and Jeff on the other talking to me.  Wayne and Debby left first.  Bonnie, Mom and Kaci stayed for quite a while.  It was almost 9:00PM and I had to tell Kaci that she needed to get home to read her book for school the next day and get some sleep so she could go to school.  Bonnie was kind enough to sleep over at our house with Kaci.  I also had to tell Kaci she needed to get home to feed the dogs and cat.  When she got home she called me 2 or 3 times saying she missed me.  She was so scared.  I told to her have a prayer with Grandma Bonnie to help relax her nerves.  I had flowers that were delivered to the hospital from Team 9 at my work, it was so nice and thoughtful of them.  I had Bonnie take them home that night since I would be home early the next day.  Jeff stayed the night with me at the hospital.  They kept an IV of fluid going on full force so I had to go to the bathroom about 10 times that night.  I could not get out of bed by myself so every time I had to wake up Jeff help me, I wasn't about to have the nurses come every time.  We had to take off the oxygen sensor and it would beep very loudly until you connected it again.  The alarms for low oxygen kept going off so they put the oxygen back on me and then the pulse alarm kept going off because my pulse was lower than what it should be.  I was told this was from the anesthesia as well as the hydrocodone that I was taking for pain.  About 3AM they came in to draw blood and someone had a sign above me that said no needle sticks or blood pressure cuff on upper extremities so they took blood out of my feet.  He had to prick both feet for a total of 3 pricks to get enough blood.  At least I was on heavy medication because it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.  Shortly after that I told the nurse about having to go to the bathroom so much and I was tired of the alarms going off and we weren't getting any rest.  She turned down the IV fluids quite a bit and lowered the alarm for the pulse so that it wouldn't keep going off.  Finally we got about 3 hours of rest until 6:30AM. 

After we woke up I had to use the bathroom again and decided to look at myself in the mirror with Jeff.  I was horrified by how large the incisions were and how red and ugly they were.  I started to cry and immediately covered back up.  Because of cancer, drastic measures sometimes have to be taken.  Jeff and I were hungry from being up all night so we ordered 2 breakfast burritos that were so dry and gross.  I ate a little bit because I was so hungry.  Megan came in about 9:00AM and asked if we were ready to go home.  Of course we both said yes.  She asked if we were ready to look and I told her we already did.  She was proud of me.  We were going to do it together for added support.  She took a peek at everything and said it all looks like it is supposed to and told us she would get them the paperwork needed to release us.  As soon as they came in to remove the IV's Jeff helped me to get dressed.  We waited for probably another 1-1/2 hours before they let us go.  I think we left around noon.  We stopped by Winegar's pharmacy on the way home so Jeff could fill my prescriptions while I waited in the car.  As soon as we got home Jeff helped me into our bedroom and onto the love seat we moved in there and I went to sleep.  I did see that my mom left flowers on our counter that were from her and Kaci.  I set the alarm on my phone for every 4 hours and took my medication faithfully for the first 5 days or so.  I slept pretty much the entire time.  Only waking to go to the bathroom, eat a little bit and drink water.  My mouth was so dry and I think it was from the medications so I chewed a lot of gum and drank a ton of water.  I don't remember when the flowers started arriving but everyday the doorbell rang and Jeff would come in and stir me awake to show me.  I started to cry every time.  I could not believe how kind people were and then I started to wonder if I should be more scared than I was and if it this was more serious than I was taking it.

Jeff had school on Tuesday and Wednesday night so mom came over and sat with me.  Kaci went to dance and played at Lacey's house quite a bit this week.  We were trying to keep her as busy as possible.  Around Saturday I tried to cut down on the hydrocodone and just take Tylenol and Motrin.  That didn't take very well so I started back up on the pills. 

Monday, November 24th we had an appointment with another oncologist out in Layton named Dr.  Jason Stinnett.  We just didn't feel good about Dr. Johnson so I wanted a second opinion.  He was wonderful and we really liked everybody we met. He had my pathology report back from surgery and the cancer was in one of the 2 sentinel lymph nodes that were removed for biopsy during surgery.  He said there was just a little bit of cancer in the one node and because there wasn't any in the other node then we can assume that this was the only one.  I am now staged at IIIa.  He is going to do the chemo schedule in 4 months instead of 6.  So I will have AC 4 times every other week and then Taxol 4 times every other week.  The Taxol will equal the 12 weekly does however it will be done a lot sooner, they call this dose dense.  I really liked this plan much better because I get it over with sooner.  He was very thorough in what he told us.  We will go to a chemo class on the 8th and had to fill 4 prescriptions to bring with us and they will go over everything with us prior to my first treatment on 12/15. 

On Tuesday, November 25th we had an appointment with Megan.  Both mom and Jeff came.  She took my drains out and it hurt really bad when she pulled them.  I couldn't wait to get the drains out, they were very uncomfortable and hurt anytime I bent over.  She said everything looked good and went over the pathology report as well.  Not only was my tumor greater than 5cm but I had extensive lobular carcinoma in situ so really a mastectomy at least on the right side was the only option.  In the left breast there wasn't any signs of cancer just some fibroademas.  I still made the right decision on doing both of them because I don't ever want to have that fear of it returning in the other breast.  Of course this cancer can return in other areas of my body and I sure hope it never does but I am keeping it in my mind that is a possibility.  For this reason I am doing chemotherapy and radiation to help lower the risk of re-occurrence.  After this appointment we stopped by my work.  I was wanting to see them so bad.  We went upstairs and talked with Sterling, Steve and Terry and then Kent and Jean came up to see me.  It was so good to see everybody for a few minutes.  Terry gave me a card with money in it that was collected from the day shift and from the office.  Spencer Preece had some hats made for me that are wonderful.  I started crying again.  I am so humbled by the generosity of others.  The night shift did a fundraiser of their own and Kelly brought it to me on Friday, November 14th, they are all such great friends.  I absolutely love everybody I work with.  This was the day I stopped all my hydrocodone and just started taking Tylenol and Motrin for the pain.

Thanksgiving was that Thursday on the 27th and we had it at our house.  That was the first day I actually wore jeans and got all ready.  It felt good to know that I was in something other than PJ's or sweats.  Debby and Wayne and mom came over about 1:00PM and we all prepared the rest of the meal.  They all stayed until about 5:00 and then mom, Jeff, Kaci and I ventured to Wal-Mart for some Black Friday shopping.  Nothing too serious I just wanted to get some movies.  I stood in a corner with a shopping cart in front of me while they searched for the movies.  We found all of them that we wanted and then stood in a huge line for about another hour or so to pay.  It was so nice to get out into the real world even if it was a short trip.  We then went to Old Navy but I just stayed in the car.  I was wiped out.  We got home around 9:00PM and I went right to bed.

Friday the 28th Hadlee came over to play and I didn't do a thing really.  I rested on the couch all day and even took a nap.  It was so nice to have Kaci and Hadlee playing here at my house though.  It has been so quiet the last 2 weeks.  We made some dinner and then took Hadlee home about 8:00PM.

Saturday the 29th Jeff went duck hunting and mom, Kaci and I went to Kohl's to find Kaci a shirt and scarf for her school program the next week.  We then went to Village Inn for breakfast and then decided to go to a movie.  I didn't want to go home at all but did have a small nap before the movie started.  This was another big day for me and I wasn't even worn out.  I felt normal but of course I do carry the pain around with me but I try and not think about it. 

Sunday the 30th we didn't do much.  Kaci and I did the laundry and that was it.  We heated up a bagged freezer dinner that was given to us by friends.  Kaci made us a dessert all by herself, she was so proud and we were so proud of her.  We went to bed early that night to get ready for Monday.

Monday, December 1st we got Kaci off to school and had a physical therapy appointment at 10:30AM over at Ogden Clinic in Roy.  They were so nice there and had me to do a lot of exercises to help get my arms moving and to help prevent lymph-edema.  Afterwards Jeff and I went to Taco Time for lunch and then he was going to head into work and I decided to call my work and see if I could come in for a couple of hours.  I was so jealous that Jeff was going back to work and I didn't want to go home to a quiet house all by myself.  Dee let me come in and I did some "clean up" type work.  It felt so good and I was so proud of myself for making it to work 2 weeks post op.  I was told there was no way I would be able to do that and the recovery time was 4-6 weeks.  Of course I am not working full days by any means but will try and go in 2-3 days a week for the next couple of weeks and then take Christmas break off to be with Kaci.  I don't know that I will be able to work the week of December 15th since that is my first chemo treatment but I will at least try.

Tuesday, December 2nd.  I woke up super sore and I am sure it was from physical therapy the day before.  Mom and I had an appointment at Creative Wigs to get my wig cut shorter.  I love it now and it looks just like my new shorter haircut.  Since I have cut my hair short it was so hard to get used to the long hair on the wig that I picked out prior to having my hair cut.  Then we stopped by Hapari Swimwear to try on their swim suits since they are all mastectomy friendly suits.  Wow, they are super cute and when they have another 40% coupon I am going to buy 2 tops and one pair of shorts.  I have a few skirts that are still way cute that will go with the tops.  They had the 40% off sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday but yesterday it was only 20%.  After that we went to lunch at Applebee's and got home around 2:30PM.  I took a short 30 minute nap and then Kaci was home.  Her school program was at 6:00PM and we had to be there at 5:30PM.  She did great but by the time I got home I was in so much pain it even made me a cry a little bit.  I took 2 more Tylenol on top of the 3 Motrin I took around 2:30PM and tried to go to bed.  I didn't get to sleep until almost 11:00PM.  The nights are hard for me and my mind wanders like no other.

Today I woke up at 6:00AM and felt a little better I am not nearly as sore as yesterday but of course I didn't practice any of my new moves that the physical therapist wanted me to either.  I go again today so I will beg for forgiveness.  I don't know what he has in store for me today, I will find out at 9:15AM.  After that I planned on going to work for an hour or two to get a couple more things done.  I don't know if I will go to work tomorrow or just take it easy before our appointment with Dr. Fisher at 2:30PM. 

My heart is breaking for Kaci she is so clingy and wants to still sleep in our room.  She never lets me out of her sight.  Last night after the program she was holding my hand and guarding me from anybody bumping in to me.  She is quite my little "mom".  I love her so much and I wish this was different for her.  It makes me so sad.

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