Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Second AC Chemotherapy Treatment

Monday the 29th was my second treatment of AC.  Kaci painted my nails a tangerine color and two nails with silver sparkles, I love them!  Kaci loves that she can paint my nails before chemo treatments.  We met with Dr. Stinnett before and he said I seemed to have handled round one just fine.  He said the part that is cumulative will be with the fatigue and it might last a little longer this time.  He said he doesn't believe that the nausea or any other symptoms I had would increase any.  I sure hope not, in fact he said I might handle this dose a little easier than the first.  The fatigue is not fun at all but it is better than being nauseated.  After the brief exam then I was taken into the chemo room where Debbie took my blood.  My counts bounced back just like they needed to.  Kaci came to this treatment with us and we did word finds, ate snacks and she played on her Kindle.  Debbie was sure to include Kaci on everything she was doing to me.  For some reason I felt like we were done a lot sooner than last time.  We got there at 11:00AM and we were done by 3:00PM.

I was able to talk to others who were also having chemo, my new friend Pam was there again getting her Taxol and while we were talking Trish from the Look Good Feel Better Program called and said we can take the class on Thursday, January 8th, I handed my phone over to Pam because she wanted to sign up too, so now there will be three of us.  I had another girl beside me who was asleep most of the time but when she woke up I asked her if she wanted to come too.  She said she wanted to, so I gave her all of the information.  It will be nice to have the three of us in this class and also another gal that we don't know.  Erin is the new gals' name and she is 31 years old and has breast cancer in both breasts and in her lymph nodes.  She is doing chemo first and then surgery and radiation in March.  She has a 10 year old and an 8 year old.  She and her husband were getting ready to move back to southern California after she graduated from Weber State University this fall, however she had to drop out with everything that went on.  Now they have to wait until she is well enough to complete her last semester before they can move.  There were definitely things we had to give up too because of my diagnosis but I have learned you can be depressed over it or just roll with the game we call life.  I chose the latter.  It is the only way.  The last people I met were a women that was there with her sister.  The sister has stage 1V breast cancer and she had breast cancer seven years ago as had her aunts on both sides of her family but not one of them tested positive for BRCA.  I cannot believe how many people both young and old are getting breast cancer.  I am so thankful to get to know all of these new people that I would not have met otherwise.  In fact I look forward to going to chemo to see who I get to meet next.

After we were done we headed to Winegar's to fill another anti-nausea medicine in case the others don't work.  I came home and took an hour nap with my kitty cat Ash, and then woke up had some mac and cheese for dinner and just took it easy.  I was super nauseated when I went to lay down at 9:00PM so I found some piano classical music on my kindle and listened to that.  It must have worked because it was still laying next to me at 2:00PM with my earphones in but the music was off.

Only two more doses of AC (I am half way through the yucky stuff!).  I can't wait to be done with AC.  Bring on Taxol!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are doing so well. I loved reading through your blog. My family prays for you every day. We are THRILLED your are half-way done with this "yucky chemo." Love, Connie
