Sunday, December 14, 2014

Blue Fingernails and House Cleaning

Today Kaci painted my fingernails the color of her choice.  She knew how much I liked her hers so she did mine the same.  They are blue with sparkles and they look so pretty, I feel a little bit like Elsa!  Anyway we decided that the Sunday before my chemotherapy treatments she will paint my nails however she wants so that on Monday when she is not with me during the treatments all I need to do is look down at my fingernails and feel her there.  For those of you who know me well, I never paint my fingernails.  I figure with chemo treatments and one of the side effects being your nail beds can turn brown that this would be a good idea and something we can share together.  

Today Jeff, Kaci and I cleaned the house.  Jeff has been keeping up on the vacuuming each week but with work and school he did not have any time to do the rest of the house.  I figured I am one day shy of 4 weeks post-op so I cleaned our very yucky bathrooms (sorry Leslie about Saturday).  It has been 4 weeks since they were cleaned last and honestly the toilets were gross.  Kaci helped too, she cleaned her sink and my bathtub and I did both toilets, her tub and my sinks and mirrors.  Then Kaci and I dusted and wiped off light switches and door knobs.  Jeff vacuumed the whole house and mopped all the floors and shook the rugs.  I was so happy to have such a clean sparkling house.  It is funny how a clean house can make me so happy.  The pain hit me later in the day.  I have had not had pain like that for quite some time.  I was very sore but still did not regret cleaning the house because of how happy it made me.  Did I saw how happy a clean house makes me???  I took a few Alleve to feel better and then took a Xanax before bed to help calm my nerves for the big day tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. i love you mom you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from kaci i love you
