Monday, December 15, 2014

First AC chemotherapy treatment

First of all I need to say that neither Jeff nor I got Kaci's stomach bug!!!

Jeff and I arrived a tad bit late due to a wreck on the freeway.  We got there about 10:25AM.  They took vitals and then we met with Dr. Stinnett who did a brief examination and asked to answer any lingering questions we had.  I really didn't have any questions since I have researched absolutely everything I could think of and have had all of my questions answered in previous appointments and the chemo class.  So I asked him about flossing my teeth, I have heard that your mouth might be sore, he said this only happens in about 30% of the patients so continue on unless I get severe mouth sores.  At least I came up with a question!!!  Then we were taken back to the infusion room and told to pick where we wanted to sit.  We sat towards one end where there weren't too many people, I wasn't sure how I would react emotionally so I chose to sit far away from the others.  Debbie my cousin and chemo nurse came over and talked with us.  She hooked up the IV line into my port and it didn't hurt much at all.  Next time I am going to cake on the Lydicane cream so I don't feel a thing.  She drew blood from it to get a complete blood count before we started.  She came back and the results were all good so she started the 2 anti-nausea drugs as well as the steroids.  I didn't feel anything and felt totally normal as these dripped in.

Jeff worked on his laptop answering emails etc. while I was able to read a blog on my Kindle about an amazing woman from Australia and her battle with breast cancer, wow she is amazing!  I can't wait to read more.  About 1:15PM Debbie came back and it was time for the chemotherapy drugs.  The first she had was two vials of the red stuff (Adriamycin), most people call it the Red Devil but Debbie said she calls it fruit punch, I like that much better!  It took her about 10 minutes or so to inject those into my IV line.  I had to go to the bathroom right after she was done and she said not be alarmed but my urine will be red and sure enough it was.  I was shocked that it happened so fast.  I went again before we left and it was still red but by the time we got home and I went to the bathroom it was gone.  Then we started the Cytoxan which is an hour infusion.  She said they can do it in 30 minutes but more people complain of sinus pressure if they go faster so we opted to go slower.  Sure enough about 15 minutes into it I could feel a little pressure and change in my nose but nothing serious enough to need a Tylenol.  I met two new friends, Pam who is taking Taxol for breast cancer and an older man who seemed grumpy until he came over and we had a wonderful conversation about his situation, wow he sure is strong.  We also were able to experience a celebration party for a middle aged woman who had her last chemotherapy treatment.  Her kids and grand kids came for it and brought balloons and a sign and she was able to ring the traditional bell on your last session.  Afterwards her husband came over to me and Jeff and shook our hands and said that he heard I was there for the first time and talked to us for a bit.  What kind people there are in this world.  I love everybody I meet.  We ate our picnic lunch as the Cytoxan was being put in.  After the bag was empty then she had to flush my port which wasn't a big deal at all.  Then it was time for my Neulasta shot which will help boost my white blood cell count since the chemo will basically wipe it out.  Debbie told me to relax and go to my happy place because this shot is very slow to inject.  If they inject it to fast it will burn.  I think it only took 60 seconds or so and it didn't burn or hurt at all but I am sure that is because I have been in so much other pain that this was nothing.  They say that I may feel bone pain in my legs and hips, the places that have the largest bones and for some reason people swear by taking Claritin Allergy pills so I went right home and took a pill.  (As I am sitting here typing on my blog Tuesday evening at 8:20PM I still do not have any bone pain and did take another pill today).  Hopefully I wont' get it!!!

Two hours later I have a lot of pressure in my head and sinuses.  I took some Tylenol and have been laying in my bed hand writing this since our internet has been down since Saturday morning.  I know I won't feel the side effects today with the exception of how I feel right now and hopefully I don't really get any with this first treatment.  This chemo treatment is cumulative so I may feel worse with the next 3 treatments and then I start Taxol for 4 treatments and the side effects are completely different.

The best news for today is that I am one with round one!  I never thought I would make it through but I did and I credit Jeff for being by my side the whole day as well as my cousin Debbie who provided additional comfort and support.  I can't tell you how nice it is to have a family member taking care of your chemotherapy sessions, it is the best I tell you.  I did great and Jeff did great.  I love him so much, he has been so wonderful  and has been there for me through every step of this journey.  He has never acted like this is an inconvenience to anything that he has going on with work and school.  I never thought our love could grow stronger than what it was but I am here to tell you it did!! Jeff will be taking this next semester off of school so he won't have so much stress.  He will be able to come to all of my chemotherapy appointments and help Kaci with her homework, and cook and clean as much as needed.  Of course I like to do these things too and I don't sit still for very long so it probably won't be as hard on him as I make it sound.

Kaci will be coming to the next treatment on December 29th since it is Christmas break.  I am glad she can come and experience this with me.  There is so much she not been a part of because all the appointments are usually during the day while she is in school.  She has already missed school twice in November for my surgery's and again last Friday with the stomach bug.

1 down and 3 more to go for AC chemo!!  Then 4 treatments of Taxol which I look forward to, they say this chemo is not near as hard as AC.

Only 7 more treatments left to go people,  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!!

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