Friday, December 12, 2014

Kaci is sick and I start chemo on Monday

Today is Friday and while I had planned on working all day, Kaci has the stomach bug.  I worked for one hour to get things wrapped up before my first chemo treatment on Monday.  I am nervous to get sick especially for Monday because I know it would get delayed.  Poor Kaci has been in the bathroom all day, while the puking has subsided she still won't come out.  I know she doesn't want to get me sick.  I have taken her crackers and water all day.  Poor girl, all I want to do is go in the bathroom with her and hold her while she pukes, especially when she is in there crying.  This is when I realized that my life really is different right now, I cannot even help my girl when she is sick.  It is going to be a long winter but at least I know it won't last forever.

Yesterday the kind people I work with moved my office upstairs for the time being.  I felt it would be easier to "hibernate" this winter as I am doing chemo.  This way I will not be helping the walk in customers and won't have to worry about all the traffic that we get downstairs.  Either way I am blessed to work where I do.  They have all been more than accommodating and have been so generous.  I could not work with better people. 

I am getting really anxious for Monday and just wish that time would stand still and I won't have to deal with Monday.  I am the most nervous for my hair to fall out.  While I have a cute wig that resembles my new shorter haircut I still want my own hair.  I feel like cancer has taken so much from me already and it is going to take even more from me.  I know the hair is temporary but until you are faced with losing it you just don't understand.  I think the hair part is going to be the absolute hardest for me.  I am however grateful for the tender mercy that was given to me on Monday at my chemo class.  While we were there waiting in the oncologist's office out walks my cousin Debbie Stevens, we hugged and hugged.  She just knew that it was going to be me there for that class.  I had no idea she worked there and I feel so blessed that she will be the one to do my very first chemo treatment.  I am going to ask if she can be there for all of them.  It gives me so much comfort in knowing that my own family member will be seeing me through it.  I love Debbie so much and while I did not get the privilege of getting to be with her much growing up, I know that we will have all of this time together and we will be life long friends after this.  She has lived close to me and Jeff ever since we got married and I have seen her at Bear Lake a couple of times during Raspberry Days and at some of our yard sales that we have had over the years.  I am so excited to get to know her more.  She is the sweetest person I know and she is made for this job.

Here is to hoping and praying that I handle chemo as well as I handled the surgery.  I went back to work after 2 weeks, obviously not full-time but I at least went in three days last week for a couple of hours each day.  This week I was able to work a full day on Tuesday, part of the day on Wednesday only because I had 3 appointments, one at 11:00AM, 1:00PM and 3:00PM.  Yesterday I was wiped out and only worked for about 4-1/2 hours or so.  It has been so nice to go to work and feel somewhat "normal".  It has helped me a ton mentally.  I still have constant pain but I don't let it interfere much with my daily activities, it hits me more at night when I lay down.  That is usually when I will take Motrin, Alleve or Tylenol. 

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