Sunday, December 28, 2014

Bad hair day to no hair day

This morning I woke up and immediately combed my hair and it was coming out a lot more than it did yesterday.  I knew all along today was the day we would shave it, I just didn't know what time of the day I wanted to do it.  I decided to get it done and over with this morning.  We started a little after 11:00AM.  Kaci gave me bangs and cut it short all over, she said I looked like Taylor Swift (ha, ha).  I told her this was the one and only time she could play "beauty shop" on a real person.  I told her to never ever cut her fiends hair or let her friends cut her hair or even cut her own hair and she said she wouldn't.  She is a good kid and I am sure I don't have to worry about that. I just had to make that clear because you never know!  I only hope she had fun cutting my hair because she was so emotional since we weren't doing it just for fun.  After she worked her magic then Jeff took over with the clippers and shaved it all off, he even shaved it into a mohawk before he took the rest off, unfortunately none of us laughed.  I was immediately cold, it's funny how the hair on your head keeps you warm.  I rinsed my head in the kitchen sink and then put a hat on.  It took me a while to finally look at myself in the mirror and when I did it was only for 5 seconds.  This was by far the hardest part.  I have had so much anxiety over this day for weeks now.  I am so glad it is done now because I can relax. I also put all of my makeup on right before we did it so I couldn't cry too much or else my mascara would run into my eyes and sting them.  I know I am crazy sometimes but whatever helps me.  I did cry but not hard, just tears here and there.  Poor Kaci was crying so hard and I asked her afterwards if I wasn't crying would she still have cried and she said yes.  I think this part has been the hardest on her and I kind of thought that this would make it real for her.  Up until this point she hasn't been fazed by too much and I am glad.  I put on my wig shortly after and I look just like me.  I am so grateful for Michelle at Creative Wigs who cut it twice for me until we got it just right.  She is amazing!  So now I just have to get through 7 more treatments of chemo and then I can watch my hair start growing back.  I guess that will be my reward at the end of all of this.  At least I get something out of it, right?  Kaci hasn't left my side for most of the day.  She is so worried about me.  I have taken this pretty well considering how much I have lost so far from cancer.  I even took a shower this evening and with my mirror and razor in hand I shaved off the stubble that remained.  It feels better under my hat now, it was getting caught and pulling a little bit.  I figure after this week the rest of the stubble that I wasn't able to get will fall out on it's own. 

After the haircut we immediately got to work on cleaning our house.  It has been two weeks and it was in need of a cleaning especially after taking down all of our Christmas decor.  Kaci and I started in the bathrooms and Jeff started repairing all the holes in the walls and painting.  We do this every year after Christmas but we did skip last year so there were quite a few to repair.  It looks so much nicer not looking at the dings we had.  They drive us crazy.   After he was done with that then he vacuumed the house.  I love that my house is clean especially since I will be spending the next week here home bound.

I wanted to add a picture of my real hair before we cut it off and then a picture of my wig.  I purchased a long hair wig just like my hair was before I cut it shorter.  I then had the wig cut to shoulder length but still did not like it so I had it cut a second time to look exactly like my new shorter cut.  I think it is a very close match and I am happy with it and feel like me when I put it on.

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