Sunday, November 2, 2014

Jeff and Aimee's 13th Anniversary

Today is mine and Jeff's 13th anniversary and one day before surgery.  While we couldn't go forth with the original plan to go to Park City for financial reasons as well as me being sick with a terrible cold.  We were able to go out to dinner last night at Texas Roadhouse and then come home and watch a Redbox movie.  It was still nice for us to be able to celebrate.  First thing when I woke up this morning I realized I hadn't even gotten him a card.  I feel so bad, my mind is preoccupied with other things right now.  With trying to get some rest with this terrible cough I have and then thinking about the surgery on Monday, I totally forgot.  I can't believe I forgot such an important event. 

Tomorrow is surgery to remove the lump.  While I am hopeful that it will come back benign I am also trying to prepare in case it comes back malignant.  As much as I would like to have this surgery and be done with it forever I am not so sure that is in the cards for me.  I am nervous for the surgery, nervous to go under and what I will look like after it.  Dr. Megan Grunander did tell me that I will have an indent from where she will take out this tumor as well as a large scar.  I sure hope things go good tomorrow and I can put all of this past me.

I feel like I still have so much more to see and do.  I still want to watch Kaci grow up and have a family of her own.  I want to be there for her and her family as much as possible.  I want Jeff and I to grow old together and I look so forward to retirement so we that we can continue to see the world.  We both love to be on the go and do as much as possible. 

I need to try and get some rest today as well as tonight.  I cannot take my prescription cough medicine tonight so I don't know how much rest I will get.  We need to be at the hospital at 9:00AM to check in.  I have said many prayers that this is the end of this journey for me and that everything will come back benign.  I want to be excited for our Disneyworld trip coming up on December 13th.  I still have to finish buying the tickets and start planning out our clothes etc.  For now I have not been excited at all just in case we cannot go.  I hope I get answers before next weekend!!

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