Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First oncology visit with Dr. Johnson

We meet with Dr. Johnson the medical oncologist on Monday the 17th.  Jeff, Kaci and mom went with me.  It ended up being an 1-1/2 hour appointment.  He detailed my chemo schedule.  He also told me that the chances of re-occurrence based on the pathology report are quite high.  There is a low, intermediate and high category.  I am one point away from being in the high category.  Therefore the chemo treatment is really necessary.  Also it is based on tumor size and my was a 3cm.  Anything under 2cm you can usually not have to do chemo.  I feel with this whole experience I am getting the worst case scenario with everything.  I honestly felt when I was in surgery on November 3rd I would wake up and would be cancer, just like it was but I thought Megan would be able to get it all out and I would only have to have radiation.  Now it is invasive lobular carcinoma stage IIb until they can determine my lymph node status.  I have no choice but to take both breasts due to the lobular diagnosis which was fine with me because all along I said to myself if it is invasive I will take both so I don't ever have to deal with this again.  I have to do chemo for 6 months and radiation for 5 weeks every day.  So my chemo schedule he gave me is the AC aka "Red Devil" once every three weeks so basically 3 months for that treatment.  After that then I go once a week for 12 weeks (another 3 months) for Taxol and that is given for 3-1/2 hours at a time.  My hair will not even begin to come back on Taxol.  It won't start growing until I am all done.  So looking ahead because that is what I do, I should be done with chemo around June 15th and then 5 weeks of radiation after that.  That is good news because then we can start our camping up to Sourdough.  We may not be able to make our deck or extend our lot this year like we had planned but at least we can get up there and camp.  That is what makes me the happiest.  I am looking so forward to summer and hopefully all of this is behind me.  I am super optimistic that this chemo will take care of any traveling cancer cells and I will be in a full remission. 

I am getting more nervous by the hour and with each day that passes to go in for surgery on Monday, November 17th.  This is going to be hard to lose my body parts.  However, on the bright side I am glad it is not an arm or leg because losing my breasts still gives me full mobility and won't change my life at all.  Sure it might be hard to look at the new me in front of the mirror or in the shower but when I am dressed I will still look like me.  It might take some time to get used to the prostheses but in no time I am sure everything will feel normal.

After I am all done with this journey then I will decide if I want reconstruction or not.  I feel that this is not the best time.  I need to beat cancer first and not worry about the discomfort from the expanders and rush into this without really feeling that it is what I want to do.  Reconstruction can be done at any time and there are women who wait years to do it.  I feel that this is the best thing for me.  My family is super supportive and loves me no matter what.  All of this is a personal choice.  A choice to even go in for surgery, to do chemo, to do radiation.  Of course I am going to follow what they are suggesting because I am only 40 years old and I need to fight for my family.  I need to watch Kaci grow up.  I want to be there as she grows into adult hood.  I want to be there for her wedding and birth of her children.  Because of that I am going to fight with all I got.  I also want Jeff and I to grow old together and take all the trips that we have talked about.  I look forward to retirement, we are working so hard for that goal.

Tomorrow we meet with Megan to detail everything with the surgery and she wants to talk to me about my decision regarding plastic surgery.  My mind is made up to delay or possibly never do it but I do want to hear what she has to say and she wants to make sure that I am comfortable in my decision.

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