Monday, March 9, 2015

3rd Taxol Treatment (only one more left to go)

Today was my 3rd Taxol treatment.  Our appointments have all been at 9:00AM but this one got changed to 10:20AM.  Dr. Stinnett had something come up.  Jeff and I decided to make the most of it and went to Jeremiah's for breakfast.  This was the best part of my day with just the two of us being able to spend some quality time together.  I saw the doctor and asked him some questions since we were approaching the 2nd to last of my chemotherapy treatments.  I wanted to know what happens after I am done and he said first of all I will get the radiation treatments and then I will go back to him to discuss the hormone blocker treatments.  He said where I am a high risk for re-occurrence that the decision lies on him on what he feels is best in my situation.  Ultimately it is still my call but I have total faith in Dr. Stinnett and that he has my best interest at heart.  I am really nervous for the hormone blocker treatments as it will put me in menopause before my time.  With that comes some very ugly side effects that will limit my quality of life.  As I prepare for the next 5 to 10 years on these treatments I will need to decide as I am going through it if it is worth the diminished quality of life.  It is so hard to know because I do believe that a quality life is better than quantity if you don't feel well.  I still have a lot ahead of me but I feel like I have come this far that I am going to approach it with a positive attitude and hope for the best.  I don't want all these drastic measures I have had to take to be for nothing, therefore I will give it a chance.

At breakfast today before chemo

 The infusion was really long just as it has been with all the Taxol treatments.  They started the Benadryl first and it knocked me out fast.  I was able to get quite a few 20-30 naps in while Jeff was able to work remotely almost a full day.  I was able to talk with Gina who I have said hello to many times during treatments but today she sat right next to us so we could chat more.  She has lung cancer and has been doing chemotherapy for 4 years now.  Her husband came with her this time and we are all able to talk a little bit.  Right now she is on Taxol too so she received the Benadryl also and was sleeping on and off like I was.  When Debbie and Lisa asked me if I was getting excited as I only have one more treatment left after today, I of course said yes and that I have not been more excited for anything else in my life to date.  Chemo is very hard, the hardest ting I have ever had to do, and of course I am excited.  As Gina was leaving she touched my toes and said she is excited for me to ring that bell in 2 weeks and that she will be there to witness it.  This is bitter sweet coming from her, how can she be so excited to watch me ring that bell when she has yet to ring it?  She is such a great person and her light shines so bright.  She is a true example of how cancer changes you.  You now have a perspective you didn't have before and you start to see so much good in people and find a way to be excited for them even though you might never get that chance.  

We were able to leave about 3:45PM so Kaci only had to wait for us for a short time.  At first we thought we wouldn't be home until after 5:00PM.  She painted my nails for Easter with lots of colors.  She is so sweet and I am so glad she and I can share this with her and when I look down I feel her there with me.  Debbie even commented on how cute it was that Kaci does this for me before my treatments.  Kaci is looking forward to 2 weeks from today when she gets to come to my last treatment; she is just as excited as Jeff and I are.  I have such a great family.  Jeff has been so supportive and has been there with me through it all.  All I can say is I have the best husband in the world.  I know Kaci would love to have been a part of all of this but school is so important and I could not have her miss.  She is so understanding and supportive of the situation we have all been thrown in to.  She has had to give up play dates because of me and those are huge when you are 9 years old.  We are looking forward to getting back into real life and I can't wait for a house full of kids to come and play at my house.

My Easter nails done by none other than Kaci
My good friend and neighbor, Melissa brought over dinner again tonight.  She always brings us dinner on chemo Monday's.  She is such a great friend.

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