Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2nd Round of Taxol side effects (February 24-March 8)

February 25, 2015 (Day 2)- I totally forgot to write yesterday.  Yesterday was a great day, once again the day after the infusion I did not feel a thing.  I worked for most of the day, went to a funeral and then home to make dinner and then went to a few stores trying to find the finishing touches for my newly decorated bedroom.  It is coming along and I love walking into my room now.  It is so peaceful to me with the grey and white color scheme that I chose, unlike the red and black that just screamed at me. It is hard to spend money that I don't have but I just couldn't take it anymore.  It is hard to describe how I felt at night right before I went to bed.   I was extremely emotional but it also made me sick to my stomach to think about going to my room to sleep.  After all that has happened since early October and all the time I spent in there after my surgeries and chemo, I just can't take it any longer.  There were times when I would go into Kaci's room to take a nap during the day just so I didn't have to be in my room. 

I didn't sleep very good last night because my fingers started hurting me.  I kept thinking that I was sleeping on them but once I woke up it was clear that I wasn't.  This is a side effect and it is actually quite painful especially since I type on my computer all day long at work.  I am also feeling a bit run down but I still came into work today.  I know tomorrow might be a different story if this all goes like the first treatment.  Everyday is a surprise and I just have to wake up to see how I feel. My eyes are watering like crazy today just like they did with AC and after the first Taxol treatment but by the next week they almost dried up all the way.  I sure hope that I get some relief after this round too.  My doctor told me that since they are still watering with Taxol don't expect it to go away any time soon.  It will go away after the treatment has ended.  I guess I have to put up with it while I am on Taxol also.  I was hoping it would go away like my rash from AC did.

February 27, 2015 (Day 4)- I had a rough day yesterday.  I was so exhausted and tired, I say it feels like being hit by a bus.  I really don't know how to describe it.  I did not work and spent the entire day in bed and even had a little bit of nausea.  I only have minor pain in my legs this time.  Today I woke up with the same feeling but as the day went on by this afternoon I feel pretty good.  I still feel a little run down but not exhausted.  I did not work today either, I took quite a few naps throughout the day.  I am still having hot flashes like crazy but I have only taken Effexor for 2 days now.  The doctor said it could take up to 3 weeks to kick in, it's crazy that they use this anti-depressant for hot flashes.  I sure hope it helps because I don't know how I am going to deal with them long term because after chemo then I start Tamoxifen which is a hormone blocker and the hot flashes will continue.  They are literally driving me crazy.  I never understood how uncomfortable they really are.  All these years when my mom would complain of a hot flash I would just dismiss it, unfortunately now I know how uncomfortable they really are.  I have a whole new understanding for menopausal women as well as women who experience chemical menopause like me.

March 2, 2015 (Day 7 Monday)-  Saturday I was still experiencing pain in my legs so I just stayed in bed all day while Jeff was mounting our TV in our bedroom (the last of our bedroom redecorating).  Later in the day Kaci went to her cousins house and I had Jeff take me out to dinner.  I really needed to get out of the house for a little while anyway.  After we got home I took a hot bath which seems to help the pain a little bit and then went to bed.  Sunday I still had a little pain left but not too much.  Jeff and I went out and ran some errands and then we came home and I took a little nap and then woke up and made dinner.  I was worn out at the end of the day.  Today I feel pretty good other than being tired but that is because I had a hard time sleeping last night.  I made it to work but will need to rest when I get home.  I still feel worn out today and my fingers are still hurting me but no tingling in my feet this time.  Hopefully I can get some good sleep tonight and feel 100% tomorrow.  This is my good week and I want to work all week and feel normal.  It is now March and I only have two treatments left.  This is the month I have been waiting for, for so long now.  Only 21 days until I am finished with chemo treatments!!!  I can't wait for my hair to really start growing back.

March 6, 2015 (Day 11 Friday)- The rest of this week has been good.  I have worked every day and when I go home at night I am tired.  My fingers feel better than they did earlier in the week.  Other than that I have no other side effects.  I guess it must be time for chemo on Monday!  There is not much to report because this chemo is so much easier than AC.  There haven't been any surprises and both times I only felt bad for about 3 days.  I am hoping my last two rounds are the same.  I am looking so forward to being done with chemo.  I am so close now!  Today I called my radiation oncologist and got an appointment for April 6th.  They will get me all lined up that day and I should be able to start radiation on April 13th.

Side effects this round:
Facial flushing the day after chemo probably from the steroids
Just a little bit of nausea
Tingling in my fingers
Tired and sore from leg pain for 2-1/2 days
Hot flashes like crazy

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