Monday, March 23, 2015

4th Taxol treatment and my end of chemotherapy

Today was my 4th and final Taxol treatment and this completes my 16 weeks and 8 rounds of chemotherapy.  Our appointment was at 9:00AM and we were a little late because of a wreck on the freeway.  We got there about 9:10AM.  Kaci came with us this time since it was my last treatment.  I was all hooked up by close to 10:00AM.  Jeff and Kaci got all of her school work done that she was going to miss today and then they went to the table and started building a puzzle while I closed my eyes.  That Benadryl is powerful and immediately knocks me out.  I didn't really sleep but I rested for a while.  Debby and Wayne got there around noon and Debby bought 2 dozen cupcakes form the Sweet Tooth Fairy.  If you haven't tried those cupcakes you need to, they were the best.  They passed them out to all the other people getting chemo as well as the staff.  What a nice gesture and it brightened everybody's day, thank you so much Debby!  My mom and Hadlee got there about 1:20PM.  Kaci was so excited to have Hadlee to hang out with until I was done.  I finished about 3:00PM and we took pictures and then I got to ring the bell.  As a parting gift the nurses gave me some sparkling apple juice.  Then we headed to Red Robin for a late lunch/ early dinner.  Wayne bought all of our food and it was delicious.  As we were walking back to our cars my mom had a surprise for me.  She bought me some new shoes that I have been wanting.  Seriously, my family is the best.  They have been so supportive through all of this and I love them more than words can say.  I am so glad that Wayne, Debby, Mom, Hadlee, Kaci and Jeff all asked to share this day with me.  It means so much to me to have them help celebrate this milestone.  I must say that this day was as exciting as my wedding day and when Kaci was born.  When I got home my wonderful friends Melissa and Stacie came over with balloons, flowers and a cake.  I started crying when I saw what they brought me, these girls mean so much to me.  They have helped my family out with countless dinners for weeks on end even though they have families of their own.  I must say I have a wonderful support systems with great friends and family.  It was so hard and taxing at times, there were times I wanted to quit but I stuck it out.  I feel so much closer to Jeff after all we have been through and I love him very much.  I also feel closer to God and I know he is near me at all times and that I am never left alone.  I have learned so much and I have a whole new perspective on life in general as well as compassion for others.  I have always had compassion but now I can really understand and feel what others are going through.  I have learned so much about myself and my appearance as it has changed drastically through all of this.  I know that I may not feel so pretty on the outside but I know I am beautiful on the inside and that I will made whole again when I die.  I am finally at peace with how I look.  I am taking this experience as a very positive one even though it was hard I feel blessed to have gone through this trial.  Next step 5 weeks of radiation and my biggest gift of all, my hair will start to grow back.  I can' hardly wait!  By the way I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!! 
Kaci, me and Hadlee

Me and my goofy girl Kaci

Nurse Lisa, me and cousin nurse Debbie
The balloons and flowers Melissa and Stacie brought me.  The big balloon says "Celebrate Life"
Here is my cake.  I can't wait to dive into it!!!

Me, Jeff, Kaci, Hadlee, Mom, Debby and Wayne

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