Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3rd round of Taxol side effects (March 10-March 22)

March 10, 2015 (Tuesday the day after treatment)- I did not sleep last night.  I finally got to sleep at 4:00AM and woke up at 6:00AM, the steroids kept me awake a lot longer than they have on the past 2 rounds.  I stayed in bed until 7:00AM and then got Kaci's hair ready for school.  I debated back and forth on getting up and getting ready for work but after work today I have to get Kaci ready for her dance pictures and then I need to run to the store to get her the makeup she needs for her dress rehearsal on Saturday and knowing I won't feel good in the next few days I need to do it tonight.  Then I have dinner to make and then I will get to bed early tonight.  I decided to go back to bed at 8:00AM after Jeff left for work and Kaci left for school.  I was able to sleep until 10:15AM and then I got up and got ready for work.  I needed that little nap to get me through the rest of my day. Other than being a little tired from lack of sleep I feel great.

March 13, 2015 (Friday)- I went to work on Wednesday and felt pretty good but came home really tired.  My great neighbor Stacie brought dinner to us which is a huge help after working all day and feeling worn out. Thursday the side effects started.  This time it was just my thumbs that were tingly and I felt tired.  I stayed home from work and took it easy.  Thursday night my back was sore and my legs only hurt a little bit, which was a change from the last two treatments where my legs hurt like crazy.  Today I stayed home again but I could have probably worked but I just didn't feel like I could handle it mentally.  I am still a little off but feel much better than yesterday.  I only have a little pain that is still lingering and the numbness is gone from my thumbs.  I am hoping that tomorrow I feel 100% because Kaci has her dress rehearsal at Roy High.  This is a big deal for the competition teams as they prepare for the upcoming competitions.  I know they say chemo is cumulative but just like AC, this Taxol seems to get easier with each round.  My body handles this backwards but I am glad because I can only hope that the last round will be a breeze.  I have a lot going on after that last round with Kaci's dance and birthday weekend so I need to feel good.

March 16, 2015 (Monday)- Today is a week from my last treatment and I feel great.  I felt pretty good on Saturday too.  I was able to run to the store to get a few things and then get Kaci ready for her dance rehearsal.  There was a lot of running back and forth and helping her change costumes.  Other than it being hot in the gym I felt good and was able to do all I needed to, to help her.  Yesterday I took it easy for the most part.  I made breakfast and did two loads of laundry, bathed the dog and made dinner for our parents.  I tried hard to not take a nap because I wanted to be able to get to sleep at a decent hour and get to work on time today.  I am constantly tired and I don't know if it is from the build up of chemo or just not sleeping at night because of all the hot flashes I have.

March 22, 2015 (Sunday)- This weekend was wonderful. I finally let Kaci invite her friends over on Friday night for a really long play date.  She had 5 friends over and we bought them pizza for dinner and made cupcakes.  She had so much fun, it has been so long since I have let her have more than one friend over at a time.  I have so much to make up to her and I look forward to many more play dates.  I love hearing the sounds of the girls screaming and laughing throughout my house again.  It's funny the things you miss when you can't have them.  Saturday we hung out with Leslie and Aron and their kids.  We had a fire and made hotdogs and Smores for dinner and then let the kids tell campfire stories and jokes, I haven't laughed that hard in so long.  The kids jokes are so much funnier than any joke we could tell.  Then we started to tell scary doll stories until we freaked the kids out and had to stop.  I still need to see the evil doll that Abigail has!  Anyway it was a great weekend and I felt so normal.  I feel life is finally started to return to normal.  

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