Thursday, October 15, 2015

My first haircut almost 7 months post chemo

Yesterday I got my first haircut almost 7 months post chemo.  The back of my hair was looking more and more like a mullet with each passing day.  Brandie asked me how I wanted it cut and I told her to do what she thinks is best, I am no expert on short hair.  I have never had short hair.  She trimmed quite a bit of the curl off of the neckline and then blended it with the back of my hair.  She trimmed other areas that were a little uneven.  Then she blew it dry and used the flat iron to create a spiky/ messy look.  I loved it!  It was cut into an actual style for the fist time since I completed chemo.

Of course this morning when I was doing my hair I cannot come close to how cute she styled it.  The flat iron is still hard for me to use because my hair is still very short.  I came close though.  I was able to flatten out some of the curl but having the neckline curls cut off makes me feel so much more confident.  The neckline is where I had the super tight perm like curls and I seriously thought I had the look of an old lady hairstyle minus the gray.  The rest of my hair is almost more wavy than curly, I can handle that!

I honestly thought that the chemo curl would not happen to me and then it did!  Then I thought it would go away after 6 months like most peoples do and it didn't!  I might be the unlucky one or maybe the lucky one who gets to keep it forever.  I might not mind the curls once my hair grows out and some weight is put on it.  It might turn out to be a nice pretty curl.  Either way for now I really need to embrace the curl and refrain from using the blow dryer and flat iron on it every day.  Right now my hair is brand new with no damage at all and if I keep using the heat then we all know what will happen- split ends!!!!

Here is a picture from yesterday but it is a selfie and I don't do selfies much so I am not very good at them but you can get the idea.

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