Monday, October 12, 2015

My first breast cancer walk

This past Saturday (October 10, 2015) was the American Cancer Society, making strides against breast cancer walk at Liberty Park.  I registered a while ago online and shortly after a gal from the American Cancer Society called to invite me.  I wanted to attend because the American Cancer Society has been so good to me.  When I was first diagnosed I turned to them and met with a gal up at McKay Dee Hospital who also happened to be a daughter of a very good friend of ours (both Jeff and I worked with him in the past).  She gave me so many resources such as the Look Good Feel Better make up class that I was able to attend while going through treatment.  With that class I was given high quality make up as well as tips and tricks to do my make up without any eye lashes or eye brows.  Of course my eyes watered the whole time I was on chemo so makeup wasn't really an option for me during the course of my treatment but I have since enjoyed using all the makeup I was given.  They also gave me a brand new wig and numerous hats that they had.  I didn't end up wearing that wig because I found the one that I purchased was more like me.  My goal this winter is to get everything together and take it back to the American Cancer Society for someone else that might be able to use them.

When we arrived at Liberty Park I was so overwhelmed with emotion.  There was pink everywhere!  There was also a survivor tent where I was given a long sleeve "Survivor" t-shirt as well as a darling Halloween Craft.  They also had waters and the most delicious cupcakes ever.  I had tears in my eyes more than once on Saturday.  I could not believe how many people there were to support such a great cause.  I felt proud to be there as a survivor.  I didn't fund raise-this year because I was so busy having fun after my crappy past year but next year I am going to fund-raise like crazy.  The day was beautiful and weather was perfect.  The walk was 3.1 miles and we completed the entire thing.

Later that night Kaci went with her friend and Jeff and I were sitting down eating dinner when he said that he had tears in his eyes seeing some people in front of us at the walk that on shirts that said walking in memory of _____________.  He said I don't ever want to walk in memory of you, I want to walk with you!!!  It made me cry.  I saw those people with the shirts too and thought the same thing.  I always want to be out there walking with my family and supporting a great cause.  I love that my family joined me at this walk.  In fact it was them that was pushing me to go.  I kind of wanted to bag it after a crazy summer of being gone almost every weekend.  It sounded good to me to just stay home, sleep in and relax but Jeff kept saying I think we should go and Kaci wanted to go too and was upset when I was considering not going.  Overall, it was a great experience and one that I will support in the future.

Here are some pictures from the day.

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