Tuesday, October 6, 2015

1 year ago today I found my lump

Today marks 1 year since I was laying down in my bed and decided to check my breasts and found a rather large lump/mass in my right breast.  I remember that feeling I had when I found it and kept thinking it was not real but kept feeling it.  I had that sickening feeling in my stomach telling me something was not right.  I went to sleep and forgot about it for the night.   I tried to forget about the next day but would get that same feeling stomach every time I would think about it.  I would not tell anybody about it until the next day when I decided to tell Jeff and he encouraged me to call my doctor.  I am so thankful for him because I am not sure I would have called otherwise.  I was scared and did not want to know what it was but on the other hand I did want to know what it was (if that makes sense).

Today I am in a good place.  I am thankful that this is all behind me and I am not dwelling on the fact that 1 year ago today I found it.  I am thankful I found it and hopefully will be around for many more years since I decided to go forth with all the recommended treatments.  So today, I will celebrate my life and my future.  I will not let cancer get me down today!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy celebration of life and future day. You are a warrior!
