Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Radiation Simulation

Today Jeff and I met with Dr. Fisher at Gamma West Cancer Center at Ogden Regional Hospital to discuss radiation.  The people at this office are so nice and friendly, it is as if I have known them forever.  I have met with them two other times, right after my diagnosis and right after my mastectomy surgery.  I can't believe I have made it this far and will finally be able to start the radiation part of my treatment plan.  I am excited to be through the worst of it and to get done with this part and move forward.

After our visit with Dr. Fisher I then met with Alex and Brooke while Jeff had to wait in the waiting room.  I had to undress from the waist up and put on a gown that had one snap on the front.  I was then taken back to the CT scan room where I had to lay on this hard pillow type thing.  After they got me positioned with my arms above my head and my head turned to my left side they did something that caused this pillow type thing to form to my upper body.  Then I was put into the CT machine for the scan.  After the scan I stayed in position while they put four tattoo marks on my upper body.  All of this is to make the plan for me for the Tomotherapy machine which will be ready next Monday, April 13th.

I will have 5 weeks of radiation which will start on April 13th and be completed on May 15th.  The whole process will take 20 minutes and that includes the undressing, radiation and re-dressing.  The Tomotherapy radiation treatment will take a total of 12-14 minutes. I will have to travel to Ogden Regional hospital each morning for treatment at 8:00AM.  After that I will head to work.  It will be nice to make a round trip out of it as part of my day rather than come to work and then have to leave work for treatment and then come back to work.  I am excited that I got an early morning appointment and that time will not change during my treatments unless of course I need to change it for some reason. I know it will be a long 5 weeks but I have prepared myself for it mentally that this will be part of my daily routine and that I will not stress about the commute to Ogden Regional every day. 

I am also going to do a trial for a new cream to help soothe the burns from the radiation.  I had to verbally agree to only use this cream and nothing else during my treatment, unless of course it is not working for me and I am in pain.  With that Brooke will need to take a photo of my skin each week to see how it is working for me.  I am all about helping other people and hoping this cream does what it is supposed to and I won't have too much pain.  I was told to take Tylenol and Ibuprofen for any pain related to the burning and muscle aches from holding my hands above my head each day.  I was also told that I will experience fatigue during this treatment but it probably won't hit me for a couple of weeks.  I am still so tired coming off of chemo.  It is so hard to wake up in the morning and get ready for work and by the time I get home from work I have to lay down for a few minutes to recharge.

The coolest part of this appointment was when Dr. Fisher told me that once I am done with my treatment I will get to put my name on a flag that will then be personally hiked by volunteers to the highest mountain peaks.  Some of them have been hiked up to Mt. Everest.  You need to check out Dr. Brandon Fishers website called radiatinghope.org.  It is an awesome program that he has started.  The flags are Tibetan prayer flags which have come to represent strengh, hope, good health and well-being.

Here is a statement from Dr. Fishers website radiatinghope.org:
Cancer patients often describe their cancer like climbing a mountain: it’s difficult, but when you succeed, there is a huge sense of accomplishment and meaning.

During the journey, cancer challenges us to discover the strength and courage in each of us. We learn to rely on the talents and support of others.

It forces us to re-order our priorities and teaches us that life is a blessing and that we shouldn’t let a single minute go un-lived.

Isn't that cool!  I am so glad that I have found such good doctors to be a part of my team and I cannot wait until I sign my name to a flag that will be flown high on a mountain top somewhere as I sign that I am now a cancer survivor!!!!

One last thing, Dr. Fisher will be on Channel 2 news this Thursday, April 9th at 5:00PM regarding his cancer center and the Radiating Hope Organization.  

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