Monday, April 13, 2015

Radiation has begun

This morning I had my first radiation treatment.  I had to be there a little before 8:00AM so that I would be ready to go by 8:00AM.  They strive to be on time.  Of course it is a Monday morning and the machine was giving them some troubles so they were about 7 minutes late. 

I was taken back to the room where the machine is at and had to lie down in the mold that was made during the simulation.  They had to get me just right and then I went inside the machine for a CT scan to line up and then was pulled out of the machine while the laser beams on the ceiling did their job.  Then was put back into the machine for the treatment and then out one more time for another line up and then back in for more radiation.  I didn't ask but I am assuming one was for the chest wall and the other was for the lymphatic system.  I don't understand all of this as well as I should but I am sure by the end I will be an expert because I like to ask a lot of questions and understand what is happening to me. The whole time I was in the room by myself and could not move or we would have to start over.   Brooke showed me before hand where she would sit and watch me on the computer monitor and that if I needed anything I had to yell for them to be able to hear me because the machine is so loud.  I was able to stay still the entire time and relax myself by going to my happy place (Teton National Park) and day dreaming.  The radiation treatment is a a little over seven minutes but with the machine going in and out to line up I end up being in there closer to 12-14 minutes each time. 

I was so nervous this morning to go and I am sure my dreams last night didn't help my nerves.  It really wasn't too bad.  The position I have to lay in not very comfortable and I am a little sore from having my arms above my head but I don't feel any burning at all.  They said it takes about 2-3 weeks for the side effects to kick in (fatigue, burning, blistering etc.)  I am hoping that with this clinical trial burn cream I am on that I won't have too much in the way of skin problems.  The fatigue however cannot be avoided.  I just hope it doesn't get me down too much.  I want to be able to work every day after treatment.  It helps me to feel normal and keeps my mind from wandering down "that path". 

Overall I am hoping that this treatment is quite uneventful and that I won't have much to post about. 

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