Sunday, January 11, 2015

All of my hair fell out today

Today was a great day!  About 2:30PM I was rubbing my head as usual since it has been so dang itchy this week and then I looked at my hands and I had a lot of stubble on them.  I did it again and there was even more.  I got so excited so I went to the bathroom sink and put some water on my head and rubbed again, I was in shock of how much stubble was in the sink.  I can't believe it took almost 4 weeks to the day of my first treatment to fall out completely, I began to wonder if I would be the first person ever whose hair didn't fall out on AC chemo and yet I took it upon myself to shave it off after two weeks.  The reason I was so excited, like it was my birthday or something is because I couldn't wait for it to all fall out.  I knew the itching would subside and then my hats and wig wouldn't stick like Velcro to it anymore.  I got in the shower and rubbed and rubbed until it was all gone.  I have a few stragglers left but I know they will come out any time now.  Sometimes, it's the little things that make you happy.  Now, the next time I have stubble and itching I will be super excited again because that means my hair will be starting to grow back and that is my reward for finishing the treatments!

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