Tuesday, January 27, 2015

4th and Final AC treatment- Yahoo!!!!!

Today was the 4th and final AC treatment that I will ever have to have in my life.  While it has been extremely hard with me wanting to quit at times, I sure hope that it has done what it is supposed to and I will be cancer free for quite a while.  I can't believe I did it, I finished all four!  I guess when you are put in a situation you find your inner strength.  I honestly do not know where mine came from but I definitely found it.  I am sure some of it came from my great support team cheering me on as well as Heavenly Father, I have never prayed so hard in my life.  Either way I am proud of myself for continuing and I will hope for the best.  The next 4 treatments will be Taxol and hopefully they will be a lot easier on me than AC.

Kaci painted my nails and made me a special card that I can turn the center to what I want to have that day, like be strong, laugh, have fun and feel good.  She is so sweet.  She can't wait to come to the last treatment with us.  Hopefully it will be here before we know it, come on March 23rd.

Jeff and I sat at a table the whole time and completed a 500 piece puzzle.  It sure made the time go by faster and I didn't feel the effects of the chemo drugs until we were walking out.  It was a nice distraction. 

Dr. Stinnett wants me to come back this Friday for fluids, he said I will really benefit from them earlier in this treatment.  He said I have pretty much checked off every box for the side effects of AC.  We are hoping that I don't check all the boxes on Taxol too!  I am looking forward to getting a little break for the next two months. 

After we got home I drank some chicken broth and drank some water and went to bed.  I woke up hungry and my nice gracious neighbors brought us dinner.  I had no idea they were doing dinner so it was a very nice surprise and much needed.  Thank you again Melissa and Stacie!!!!  I took some anti-nausea meds and went to bed.  I actually slept quite well.

1 comment:

  1. mom: eye love u:)
    u are doing this so good u are the best
    love you:) :kaci:) the best fighter
