Thursday, January 22, 2015

3rd Round of AC (side effects January 12- January 26, 2015)

Monday, January 12, 2015- After treatment I immediately went home and Jeff made me some chicken broth and I sipped on that and water and went to bed.  I think I woke up around 6:00PM when our friends Melissa and Stacie brought us dinner.  I woke up to eat and then went to lay back down to watch The Bachelor, I think I only saw the first 5 minutes and woke up when the news came on.  I can't believe I missed it, I will have to watch it on the computer now.  Then I turned off the TV and slept the rest of the night.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 (Day 2)-  I woke up at 8:30AM when Jeff had my breakfast ready.  I ate my breakfast and went back to bed until about noon.  Mom brought me a taco salad from Taco Time and she stayed and watched TV with me.  She left at 5:00PM.  I am getting ready to eat some dinner and go to bed.  So far I just feel super tired but not really sick.  I know the side effects take a few days to set in but maybe, just maybe this round will be easier on with me with no weird things popping up like they have the last few times.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 (Day 3)- I think I slept the entire day away.  Bonnie came over to make sure I had lunch and then I went back to bed.  My good neighbors, Stacie and Melissa brought over a very yummy spaghetti dinner for our family.  These friends that continue to bring meals in are just so nice.  They seem to know the exact time that we need it the most.  Thank you to all of my friends who have provided meals for our family, we appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Thursday, January 15, 2015 (Day 4)- Today I woke up at 5:00AM and needed breakfast, I had that nausea feeling lingering in my tummy.  I had a bowl of cereal and took some meds and went back to bed.  I didn't really sleep but I did relax.  Jeff worked from home today so he could help me and also to get Kaci to dance at 4:15PM.  I had some spaghetti left overs at 10:30AM, it was just as good as the night before.  Then I took an hour nap or so.  I haven't  been sleeping as much today and I would like to think that is a sign that the side effects are starting to wear off a bit early.  I guess time will tell and I am trying to not get my hopes up.

Friday, January 16, 2015 (Day 5)- I was awake for most of the day.  I even had a little bit of energy.  I took it easy just relaxing on the couch and only took one nap today.

Saturday, January 17, 2015 (Day 6)- I didn't sleep well last night and I am not sure why.  I still woke up with a lot more energy than yesterday.  Jeff and Kaci wanted to go snowmobiling so that the house could be quiet and I could rest.  I told them I wanted to be with them today and that I felt a lot better, still not 100% but good enough to get out of the house.  We went to a movie this afternoon and then back to my mom's house for an hour or so and then we went to Tony's for dinner and then even went to Old Navy to look at clearance again.  I ended up having to go sit in the car since I was getting dizzy.  We got home around 7:00PM and I went straight to bed.  It was still nice to feel this good on the Saturday of my chemo week.  This round has definitely been the easiest so far.  I think I needed that so that I won't hesitate going in for my 4th and final dose of AC.  

Sunday, January 18, 2015 (Day 7)- Today I woke up with a little less energy and being a little bit light headed.  I got the two loads of wash done but other than that I have not felt good all day.  I have taken it easy with the hopes that I can go to work tomorrow.  Maybe I over did it yesterday but the side effects won't start wearing off until mid week so it might just be part of the cycle. The rash on my forehead and my back is getting worse.  I now have sores on my arms, shoulders and moving down my face.  They itch but also hurt.  At least I can somewhat hide the ones on my face with makeup.  I can't believe how many sores there are.  I can't wait to be finished with AC chemo, it has some really weird side effects.  My nose is super stuffy too and is making me have a bad cough at night.  My eyes are still watering like crazy.  Hopefully within a week or two after finishing this last cycle these things will go away.  I know Taxol has its own list of side effects but none of them seem quite this harsh. Jeff and Kaci went to the auto show and I stayed home.  I went and sat on my bathroom counter and looked at myself in the mirror and cried and cried.  I can't believe how different I look physically just from the chemo alone.  I have that lovely rash on my face, my eyes appear sunken in and the color on my face is different.  Plus with my runny eyes I look like I am crying all the time.  I shouldn't have done that but I felt a little better after a good cry but I really miss my hair.  I know it is going to take a long time to grow back in to a style that I am comfortable with.  Today was just a sad day for me. 

Monday, January 19, 2015 (Day 8)- I made it to work today, I wasn't so sure after the day I had yesterday.  I only made it 6 hours before I needed to go home and rest.   I don't feel the best and had to take my anti-nausea pills before I left this morning but so far I am doing okay.  I have a desk job so it is not hard to sit down and work, plus I love it and it gives me the mental boost I need since I really cannot go anywhere else because of low blood counts.  I love my work.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 (Day 9)-  This morning I woke up and didn't feel good at all.  I ate breakfast at 5:30AM because I had to get something on my stomach.  Then I went back to bed until 8:00AM.  I stayed in bed until about 8:20AM and then got up and got in the shower and got ready for work.  I made it to work at 9:00AM.  I still don't feel well but I just don't want to stay home today.  I can't believe it is now Tuesday of my supposedly "good week" and I feel like this.  I am worried that I might not get too many days at 100% this round.  Oh how I need those 100% days to make myself go back for another treatment.  I ended up going into the doctors office to get fluids this afternoon.  They also gave me some Zofran anti-nausea medication also.  My mom came with me since Tuesday is her day off.  We were there for 3 hours.  I didn't feel better right after, I was super tired but it was probably from the Zofran.  I tried to go to bed at 7:15PM but my legs were so restless and I am not sure why, I ended up falling asleep after midnight.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 (Day 10)- Today I woke up and felt great!  I don't know if it was the fluids that helped or it was just time for the side effects to wear off.  Regardless I made it to work on time and have felt good all day.  I am so glad, I was getting frustrated feeling so lousy.  Only one more AC treatment to go, that  it what I keep saying over and over in my head.

Thursday, January 22, 2015 (Day 11)- I am feeling 100% energy wise.  My eyes are running like crazy today, it is so irritating and there is nothing I can do but wait it out.  I hope they stop running after this AC chemo is done.  My rash still looks the same even with taking antihistamines and using Benadryl cream.  I hope on Monday Dr. Stinnett can give me something to help it go away.

Friday, January 23, 2015 (Day 12)- Today I felt great again just as I will throughout the weekend.  I went to a funeral of one of my vendors that was quite sad.  Other than that I worked all day.  Heather and Brian came over last night and brought all of us dinner and we hung out just like old times.  I love those moments when I feel totally normal and like nothing has ever happened.  Kaci and Kenlee painted each other faces, it was quite hilarious. I know in the future cancer won't be the first thing I think of when I wake up and when I go to bed at night.  I can't wait to get my life back on the normal track.  My rash appears to be getting better on my face, I am so excited.  My back still looks bad and my arms are getting worse.

Saturday, January 24, 2015 (Day 13)- Today we went to the Living Planet Aquarium, we spent over four hours there.  It was so much fun and not once did I think about my current situation. Afterwards, we went to dinner at Outback Steakhouse, one of Jeff's good friends from work bought us a bunch of gift cards that we could use during this time.  It was so nice to have such a good dinner. We made a full day out of it and got home after 7:00PM last night.

Side effects from the 3rd round:
-watery eyes
-little bit of nausea
-fatigue and exhaustion lasted longer this time (9-1/2 days to be exact)
-runny nose and cough
-painful urination for one day

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