Wednesday, September 9, 2015

End of summer

Wow, what a fun and crazy summer I have had.  We have camped more than I have ever  camped before.  It was so much fun spending time with family and friends this summer.  We camped at Sourdough, Fillmore, Bear Lake, Grand Teton and Yellowstone as well as went for many ATV rides.

This last weekend for Labor Day we were able to go with our friends camping at Bear Lake.  While the weather wasn't the best it was still so much fun.  We went to the beach, taught the kids how to play the lottery in Idaho, did Minnetonka Cave, rented the silly bicycles at the KOA, had a campfire and movie night, went out for a Big Ephraim pizza and milkshakes.   The kids played so hard on the playground, jumping pillow, miniature golf and swimming pool.  We didn't want the weekend to end it was just so perfect.  We already have another trip planned for next year to Dinosaur Land in Vernal, we cannot wait.

I am getting a little nervous as fall sets in as this was when I was diagnosed with cancer.  I know this fall will be better than the last but I get nervous the closer it gets.  Those feelings I had last year are starting to resurface.  I just need to keep busy as it approaches.  I still have a few more trips coming up that I am really excited about but once they end and life slows down that is when I need to keep my mind from going down "that road".

After I finished radiation in May I was determined to make this last half of 2015 be the best every and so far I must say that I am happier than I have ever been and so grateful to be alive and healthy.  This summer was honestly the best I have ever had and I am so thankful for good friends and family that I was able to share it with.  Here is to many more!!!!

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