Monday, February 9, 2015

First Taxol Chemotherapy Treatment

Today was my first of 4 Taxol chemotherapy treatments.  We got there at 9:00 AM and left at 3:30PM.  It all went great and I did not feel poisoned as it was being infused.  It was so nice to not feel yucky.  My friend Pam came and stayed the whole time, together we all built another 500 piece puzzle.  In fact the chemo was done being infused and we were not done with the puzzle so they gave me some additional fluids to drip in while we finished, plus the fluid is good so it was worth staying there longer.  I love Pam so much, she has become such a great friend.  I am sad though because she is going to be moving back to California at the end of the month.  We are going to keep in touch though and we will be lifelong friends.  The Benadryl that they gave me prior to the chemo did make me a little woozy but not too bad, we continued doing the puzzle the whole time.  I got super hungry but I was afraid to eat because I don't want any new food aversions.  I did eat the banana that I brought and did just fine so then I had a small bag of Cheetos.  Afterwards we stopped by Crown Burger and picked up some food for a late lunch.  I came home and took about an hour nap but now I feel just fine, like nothing even happened today.  I know the side effects take a couple of days to hit but I am hoping that they are minimal and I can work this week.  If I wake up feeling good tomorrow I plan on going to work, I really don't want to stay at home any longer, I want my old routine back and I think on Taxol I will get more of my regular routine.  Tonight my good friend and neighbor, Melissa brought dinner over for my family, they always do dinner on chemo Monday's.  I love them so much, they are so good to me and our family.  Every chemo I wear my bracelet that Melissa had made for me that says "I can do hard things", this is my favorite saying of all time and it gives me the strength I need to get to the office to get my chemotherapy.  I will cherish this bracelet forever.  Here is to hoping that I can sleep tonight and go to work tomorrow.  Sleep might be a little tricky because of the steroid they gave me but sometimes medications do not affect me like they do others, after all I was able to get an hour nap in!!!!  Jeff and I started a movie at 9:00PM and I went to bed around midnight, I was very awake and I am not sure it was from my nap or the steroids.

Me and Pam

The 3 of us with the 500 piece puzzle we finished
Kaci painted my nails red with pink hearts on the ring fingers.  If you look close you can see the rash that is on my hands, it is also all over my arms.  Hopefully it will start going away now that I am done with AC.

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