Monday, March 21, 2016

4 month follow up

Today I had another 4 month follow up at my oncologists office.  I can't believe that  this Wednesday marks one year since I finished chemotherapy and that I am on a 4 month follow up schedule for a while.  I can't wait until I get further out and start on the 6 month schedule and then eventually to a follow up once a year.  I will try and get a new picture of my hair at one year post chemo.  I would have never believed that my hair would still be this short after a year.  I guess I had higher hopes for my hair at one year out.  It is growing and I am thankful for it but I am still not comfortable with where it is at. 

My feelings are still the same about that office.  I have such great anxiety leading up to the appointment and it takes all the strength and courage I have in me to make myself walk into that building.  It is nothing against any of the people as I love them all and they are such a great support to me even know.  It is just that all the memories come flooding back that I did have cancer and I will be forever changed because of it.  As I live each day I tend to forget about "cancer" and everything I went through and I like it that way.  I like to feel normal and I don't want people treating me any different because of what I went through and for the most part they don't. 

Today I saw a different doctor since my doctor was out.  At first I was put out that I wasn't going to see my regular doctor especially when they said to put on a gown because he likes to do an exam and I had a lot of personal things I wanted to discuss that I hadn't talked about before.  Jeff turned to me and asked if I would like to reschedule and at first I thought I might but that is not fair as I hadn't even met the guy yet.  When he came in and introduced himself I knew I was in good hands.  In fact he was one of the co-founders and is actually retired but has come back to fill in since another oncologist in the office had a stroke last year and is unable to practice any longer. 

He started with the exam and I told him about a new pain that I have on my side which also happens to be the side where the cancer was.  He felt all around and when he pinpointed the area he said that is a muscle and that I probably just pulled it.  He said that is not an area where cancer would likely come back to.  How I loved hearing those words as I have been so scared about what it might be.  I was told in the beginning that with any new aches or pains not to worry or stress about them until after 14 days.  Well this one has been going on for four weeks now but then Jeff remembered we moved a pretty big tree in our back yard about 4 weeks ago and then it dawned on me that this is probably where the pain is coming from.  The doctor told me not to worry about it for now as muscle strains can take some time to heal.  I relaxed completely upon hearing these words. 

After that I started asking my questions.  I am still having hot flashes like crazy and at first I felt like the Gabapentin was helping make them not so intense.  I have been getting about 1-1/2 to 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night which was better than waking about twice an hour prior to Gabapentin.  Maybe it is still helping take the intensity out of most of them but not enough for me, I want more relief!  The longer this goes on the more anxious they make me.  He suggested increasing the dosage by taking 300 mg in the morning and 600 mg at night, right now I have only been taking 600 mg at night.  He also suggested to try Effexor again along with the Gabapentin but first I am going to increase the Gabapentin and see what that does.  He said it is about the quality of life at this point and he can see that I am struggling.  He said to try this and if it isn't helping to call them because they can increase the dosage further on both of these drugs and keep trying until I get some relief.  I loved that he cared so much about me and told me not to give up and not to wait until my next four month appointment if it isn't helping.  Jeff also asked about the cold flashes which happen every bit as frequently as the hot flashes and he said that it is completely normal for someone like me.  It is something I have to deal with for who knows how long.  He also said I could try Tylenol PM to see if that would help me get some rest but for now I am going to try to increase the Gabapentin and see if that helps me and if it doesn't then I will add the Effexor and then add the Tylenol PM if needed.  I don't want to add everything at once because I want to see if some of these on their own will help me without adding other drugs to the mix.  This is going to be so hard on me because I am not one that likes taking drugs at all.  Tamoxifen is a given and will be a part of my life for a little over 9 more years (yes, I am counting down).  I am to the point now that I am going to give in and try these prescription drugs and have hope that I will get some relief. 

After that I asked my more personal questions and I am just going to put it out here on my  blog for the first time ever and not be embarrassed by it any longer.  I asked him about the vaginal dryness, no sex drive what so ever and pain with intercourse which are all horrible side effects of not only menopause but also the side effects of Tamoxifen (hormone blocker).  At this point I started to cry because it is so hard for me to talk about.  I am still young enough and so is Jeff and I feel like this is so unfair.  The doctor was so nice as he talked to both of us about this.  He said it is hard especially for someone as young as me and it is a large part of our lives.  He said that he would okay an estrogen cream to help the dryness which might also help with the pain of intercourse but unfortunately it won't help my lack of drive.  He said the only thing that can help me feel like a whole woman again would be estrogen and I cannot have that due to my high risk of re-occurrence.  He said I need to call my OB/GYN and get the cream but make sure that it is the lowest concentrated dose possible.  He said my body would absorb some of the estrogen but the Tamoxifen will take care of that but in turn I will get some relief down there.  I am going to think about this cream for now as it seems so scary to me to request something with estrogen in it.  I go back to my OB/GYN at the first of May so I think I will discuss it with her at that time. 

I love that my oncologists office can run the complete blood panel right in their office with no waiting.  All of my numbers looked great which was added relief for me.  They are however, this time sending some of it out for additional testing for liver enzymes and a few others and we will get those results in a few days.  Jeff and I aren't expecting them to be "bad" though.  Everything else with my blood counts was completely normal so we have no reason to believe that these other tests will show anything different.

As far as my diet and exercise goes.  I am still following the "My Plate" guide that my dietician suggested for me with the exception of a few cheats during the weekends (life is short so you have got to enjoy it once in a while).  I also strive to walk 30 minutes a day either on my treadmill or outside as it really does help the arthritis in my legs.  I am still at the same weight as I was when I finished chemo.  I am so over trying to lose weight.  I don't need the added stress in my life.  I want to enjoy each day and as long as I am striving to eat healthy and exercise then that is all I can ask for.  Being in menopause plus being on the hormone blockers is a disaster for trying to lose weight.  It almost always never happens.  As women our hormones control just about everything in our bodies and metabolism is another one it controls and I have zero hormones running through my body.  I am trying to tell myself each and every day that I am beautiful no matter what.  All the scars across my chest, my lack of breasts, my being over weight and my short haircut that I am still not comfortable with are all a part of my journey and I need to embrace them.   Self help talk can go along way.  

I am so thankful for a kind and caring husband that goes with me to these appointments so that I do not have to go alone.  I am also thankful for his understanding with the "new" me.  I do not have the quality of life I once had and I know it is extremely hard on both of us.  It messes with me emotionally so much, I have so much guilt that goes along with it even though it is not something I asked for or brought on myself.


  1. It is admirable that you're willing to be open about things that might seem embarrassing. I'm starting to have hot flashes now, and they are super annoying. When I'm not hot, I'm usually cold. I'm relieved it's not just me (though I'm not happy you're having cold flashes, too). Anyway, I know the weight thing is a tough one, but it's a good decision to try not to worry about it. You've got enough going on. Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Waning! It was so hard typing all of that out for the world to see but after almost a year I just felt like I had to get it out there, if only to help others who are experiencing the same thing but are too afraid to talk about it. It is a very person thing! I am sorry you are starting with the hot and cold flashes too. These hormone blockers suck but as long as they help keep the cancer away and let us see our children grow up then they are worth every miserable side effect.

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