Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Much needed vacation

This summer has been super busy with us camping every weekend except one since Memorial Day.  We have had so much fun as a family and have enjoyed taking our friends with us as well.  We have made some really good memories.  I kept saying that this was going to be my funnest summer every and it sure did not disappoint. 

 This past week we went on a 10 day RV road trip.  Our first stop was Bear Lake, Utah for 3 nights and then we went to Grand Teton National Park and stayed at Colter Bay for 4 nights.  Then we went to Island Park Idaho where we visited Yellowstone National Park for 3 nights.

Each year I like to go to Grand Teton and Yellowstone.  Last year it got cut short because of a severe allergic reaction that I had.  There was no explanation as to why this occurred as they tested me for everything possible.  I still think it had to do with my cancer.  I really believe that this was from my cancer spreading to my lymph nodes.

This year was absolutely perfect.  My family of three went, along with both of our mom's.  We had the best time.  We didn't have a whole lot planned so the days were quite relaxing.  I love Colter Bay, it is truly my happy place and there isn't any other place in the world I would rather be than Grand Teton.  It is heaven on earth!!!  We have already started planning next year (I have to book the RV Park at Colter at least 6-8 months out in order to get a place).  We are going to stay at Colter Bay the entire time as all of us really love it there. 

This vacation ended up being my favorite vacation ever.  I think I feel that way because my life has a new meaning and after everything I went through this past year it was just what I needed.  I felt so far away from cancer and even forgot what I had went through.  It is funny how vacations and the beautiful majestic scenery can ease all of your stress and fears.  Of course after 10 nights it was time to come home and waiting for me Monday morning was my 1st official 3 month follow up with my oncologist.

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