Tuesday, July 28, 2015

New Lump

Today I had an appointment with my surgeon Dr. Grunander.  I found a lump in my armpit area.  I found it a couple of weeks ago and as hard as I tried to just forget about it, I couldn't.  She examined it and said it may be scar tissue but she wanted an ultrasound done.  After a few minutes they came and got us and took us to the ultrasound room.  Lisa the tech had a hard time getting an image so that they could measure it.  Dr. Stevenson came in and between the both of them they got something to show up on the machine.  He wanted to do a biopsy just to be sure.  I had to go through that whole experience again with the numbing shot, the needle to draw out cells and what sounds and feels like a staple gun that clips away tissue.  This time I had Jeff and Kaci with me and I was much more calm.  I am a lot tougher now than I was that first time for sure.  Now I have to wait for pathology.  I talked to Jen, Dr. Grunander's nurse and she said she might have it back by Friday and Dr. Grunander told her she could give me the results over the phone.  I am anxiously waiting to find out the results.  For some reason in my heart I just feel that it is going to be nothing.  I have been praying super hard for this to turn out good but I also know that God has a plan for me and what will be will be.  I know some people don't believe that way but I do and it helps me get through all of my life's trials.

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