Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A new friend for both me and Kaci

Something great happened this past weekend.  My daughter has met a new friend at school and played over at her house for the first time on Saturday.  When I picked her up she said that this friends mom went through breast cancer too.  Well these two cute girls thought it would be a good idea to get us together for a girls day out.  So on Monday they had us meet at the mall so that we could take them to Quilted Bear to get Beanie Boo's and then to Pretzel Maker for snacks and smoothies and then to the movie.  They thought it would be nice for us to have time to talk about our experiences.  I can't even describe how powerful it is to have someone physically standing by my side and knowing exactly what I go through on a daily basis.  While I don't wish this experience on anybody it is nice to have a friend who has gone through the same thing so that I don't feel so alone in this world.

You cannot ever truly understand the physical limitations as well as the emotional effect that breast cancer has on a person until you have gone through it yourself.  For instance we went bowling on Sunday for Valentine's Day.  I didn't think anything of it but it was so hard for me to move that arm and it was actually a little painful, my skin is still so tight on the right side where I had radiation.  I decided to just let Kaci take over my turn which she was excited about.  I still enjoyed myself but I had no idea that something as simple as bowling would be so hard.  Then of course I worry about lymphedema, I was told not to carry grocery bags, my purse or anything heavy on that side and here I was throwing a 10lb bowling ball. 

 I have a lot of new friends since my diagnosis who have gone through the same things I have but unfortunately I have not met them in person.  We are friends in the blogging world as well as Facebook and some I have talked to on the phone.  I am grateful for each and every one of them as they have all helped me in some way.  I can't imagine my life without them and at any time I know I can message them, call them, write on their blogs etc. and they will be there for me.  There are so many amazing people out there.  I will also be there for anybody and everybody at any time.  I feel it is my duty to pay it forward.  I hope that all of you reading this blog all over the world knows that if I can be of help in any way please just ask me.  

I know my new friend Shauna and I will continue to be good friends.  I also think it is so good for Kaci to have a friend who she can relate to as well.  I believe there is a reason that this family moved into our area.  It is amazing how much other people can give and provide strength to someone else.  We all need to remember that everybody has trials, some might seem big and others quite small but we cannot judge how that person is reacting to them.  To them it might be big.  We need to continue to be there for our neighbors, friends, family and strangers.  We need to listen to them and be there for them no matter what.  Nothing is more important than serving.   Even if you just smile and say hi to a stranger you might make their entire day. 


  1. Aimee I seriously love you!!! You made my night (as I sit here with my arm being pumped for lymphadema!) I, too, knew that my family moved here for a reason. I just hadn't found it yet. I am so thankful these 2 girls have met and can share their thoughts, feelings, and a few fears probably too. I am so glad we've met too!! This dang disease has made me too many friends. Some I wouldn't have made any other way. Glad you're getting stronger all the time. Can't wait for the next girls day out... Who knows what they will think up next! P. S. We have to get together to talk about gabapentin, the MTHFR gene mutation, protein shakes, and oils that help a little. Talk soon!

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  3. Aimee - I am so happy for you. I know what you mean about this disease changing you. It is hard to explain in words how it does, so it is nice to have a real-life friend you know understands what you are going through, even if you can't explain it yourself. I've thought about joining a survivor's group just for this connection, but unfortunately it meets at a time I just can't do. So in the meantime, I'll just be thankful for my Internet friends like you. :)
