Friday, October 27, 2023

Alive and Well

 Hello!  It has been over 5 years since I have updated here.  I didn't think anybody really looks at this blog much anymore but I did have someone across the world reached out to me via Facebook yesterday and it made me realize, I really should post an update even if it is a small one.  A lot has happened over the past 5 years and I will try and include everything here in this update without rambling too much!

First of all, I am alive and well.  As well as one could be after enduring the treatments that I had (I still have a lot of side effects that I will continue to have to live with but they are manageable).  I was diagnosed almost 9 years ago on November 3, 2014.  

I am still working at the same place and loving it.  

My daughter, Kaci turned 18 this year and graduated from high school in May (2023).  This in itself has released so much from me mentally, all I wanted was to get to that day and know that I was able to raise her to adulthood.  The day was very special to me and quite emotional, I know she didn't understand that but it was a day I fought so hard for those almost 9 years ago.  My bucket list only went as far as her graduation and that is how I am going to keep it; it was just so hard to keep worrying and hoping to get to live to see that day.  Any time from here I will consider bonus time and be very thankful for it but I just don't want another bucket list.  It was a lot to manage in my head.  

I haven't been for any cancer checkups but I haven't had any unusual symptoms pop up either, so I take that as I am still cancer free!!!  I like not having to worry about tests, follow-ups etc. as they gave me so much anxiety.  Again, this is not for everyone, this is just the way that I choose to deal with it.  

In October 2022 I was diagnosed with stage I Melanoma cancer.  That wasn't fun to have another cancer diagnosis but this one was much easier for me, after all I had been through with my breast cancer diagnosis I was better prepared mentally.  I had to have surgery to remove it and now have to get regular skin checks every 3-4 months for a few years.  I will probably just go for skin checks at least once or twice a year or so.  I am really diligent in looking at my skin, I always have been and have gotten regular skin checks yearly for the past 10 years or so because I have such fair skin.  I have had multiple basal cell carcinomas in the past so when I noticed this dark spot that was changing on my upper arm, I immediately made an appointment.   They took a biopsy of it but said it didn't look to be a melanoma but they would call me with the results.  I got a call a few days later and it did come back as superficial melanoma, the doctor was very surprised.  I was set up for a surgery called WLE (wide local excision).  I was awake during the procedure and given multiple shots to numb the area.  I was fine until they started to cauterize, and the smell got to me and my body went into shock mode and I started to shake and got really cold, the memories of the biopsy of my breast came back to haunt me (that is in another post).  They felt bad and said they should have given me something to make me relax but most people get through it fine.  I just don't do good with these types of things.  I am now left with a 4" scar on my upper arm which is mostly covered by any short sleeve shirt that I wear.  I am not too worried about the scar; I have a lot of them.  I have been doing some research and it does seem that there are a lot of people who have had melanoma first followed by breast cancer and also vice versa.  It would be amazing to have someone really research this and find out if there really is a correlation.  I just feel like I am a cancer magnet!  I don't like it at all.  That is two cancer diagnoses and I am not even 50 yet, (I will turn 50 next year).   

I did go for a colonoscopy earlier this year and it came back great!  I was a little worried for this one because of my genetic testing and being told I have a gene that makes me more susceptible to colon cancer.  I was told that I need to repeat the test in 10 years since there was no findings. 

I don't have much else to report medical wise.  I am happy and healthy and couldn't ask for anything more.